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Student Complaints

Student Complaints Process

LSU Online is committed to providing students around the world a safe and effective learning environment with all the rigor of face-to-face programs. In pursuit of this goal, students have the right to file complaints or grievances if their student experience falls short of expectations.

I Need Help Getting Started

Students who need guidance or are unsure how to resolve an issue can reach out to their Enrollment Coach or Studdent Support Coach as a first step. Many issues can be resolved informally with direct communication between the affected parties, and your Enrollment or Student Success Coach is always there to help.

Academic and financial appeals do not fall under the scope of LSU Online and must be handled by the relevant departments.Your Enrollment or Student Success Coach can assist you with navigating this process.

If you do not know who your Enrollment or Student Success Coach is, or need confidential assistance, please contact lsuonline@lsu.edu.

I Need to File a Formal Complaint

If your problem wasn’t resolved by talking directly to the faculty or staff member(s) involved, you may file a formal complaint or grievance through LSU Cares. You have up to two years from the date of the incident to file this complaint.

My Complaint Wasn’t Resolved by LSU

In the event that you have exhausted all informal and formal procedures through LSU at the institutional level, you may submit a written complaint to the Louisiana Board of Regents. The Louisiana Board of Regents will attempt to facilitate a resolution.

If you are enrolled in LSU Online and live in Louisiana, please review the Louisiana Board of Regents Student Complaint Process.

If you are enrolled in LSU Online and do not live in Louisiana, but live in a state participating in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), you may file a SARA complaint with the Louisiana Board of Regents. To file a SARA complaint, please review the Louisiana Board of Regents SARA Student Complaint Process.

If you are enrolled in LSU Online and do not live in Louisiana, and your state of residence is not a member of SARA, you may follow the policy for Louisiana residents and submit a complaint through the Louisiana Board of Regents.

State Consumer Complaint Contact Information
Alabama Alabama Commission On Higher Education
Alaska Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education
Arizona Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education
Arkansas Arkansas Department of Higher Education
California California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education
Colorado Colorado Department of Higher Education
Connecticut Connecticut Office of Higher Education
Delaware Delaware Department of Education
District of Columbia Higher Education Licensure Commission
Florida State University System of Florida
Georgia Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission
Hawaii Hawaii Post-secondary Education Authorization Program
Idaho Idaho State Board of Education
Illinois Illinois Board of Higher Education
Indiana Indiana Commission for Higher Education
Iowa Iowa College Aid
Kansas The Kansas Board of Regents
Kentucky Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
Maine Maine Attorney General
Maryland Maryland Higher Education Commission
Massachusetts Massachusetts Department of Higher Education
Michigan Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Minnesota Minnesota Office of Higher Education
Mississippi Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation
Missouri Missouri Department of Higher Education
Montana Montana University System
Nebraska Nebraska Department of Education
Nevada Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education
New Hampshire New Hampshire Department of Education
New Jersey New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs
New Mexico New Mexico Attorney General
New York New York Office of College and University Evaluation
North Carolina North Carolina Department of Justice
North Dakota North Dakota Attorney General
Ohio Ohio Attorney General
Oklahoma Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Oregon Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Division of Higher & Career Education
Rhode Island Rhode Island Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner
South Carolina South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
South Dakota South Dakota Office of the Attorney General
Tennessee Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Texas Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Utah Utah Division of Consumer Protection
Vermont State of Vermont Agency of Education
Virginia State Council of Higher Education for Virginia
Washington Washington Student Achievement Council
West Virginia West Virginia Office of the Attorney General
Wisconsin Wisconsin Distance Learning Authorization Board
Wyoming Wyoming Department of Education
American Samoa American Samoa Department of Legal Affairs
Puerto Rico Consejo de Educación de Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs