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Expand Your Knowledge

Gain specialized knowledge and supplement your bachelor’s degree with a minor from LSU. These programs are designed to expand a student’s skill set through courses that explore business administration, communication studies, information technology, leadership, marketing, and sociology. A student must select three minors to pursue as part of the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree. Minors can also be added to any fully online undergraduate degree offered through the LSU A&M campus.

Business Administration

Gain a foundational business knowledge by focusing on accounting, economics, finance, and management.


  • ACCT 2000: Survey of Accounting | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 1021 or MATH 1029 or equivalent
  • ECON 2030: Economic Principles | 3 credit hours
  • FIN 3715: Business Finance | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: ECON 2000 and ECON 2010, or ECON 2030; and ACCT 2000 or ACCT 2001
  • ISDS 1100: Introduction to Management Information Systems | 3 credit hours
  • MGT 3200: Principles of Management | 3 credit hours
  • MKT 3401: Principles of Marketing | 3 credit hours

Communication Studies

Succeed in today’s workplace by gaining skills in organizational communication, rhetorical communication, and leadership communication.


  • CMST 1061: Fundamentals of Communication | 3 credit hours
  • CMST 2061: Communication for Business and the Professions | 3 credit hours
  • CMST 3113: Conversation | 3 credit hours
  • CMST 3118: Intercultural Communication | 3 credit hours
  • CMST 4100: Political Communication | 3 credit hours

Digital Marketing

Explore marketing theory and gain practical insights necessary to navigate the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape, gaining e-commerce, marketing analytics, and social media expertise.


  • MKT 3401: Principles of Marketing | 3 credit hours
  • MKT 3421: Marketing Communication: Promotion | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MKT 3401
  • MKT 3500: Marketing Tools Fundamentals | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: credit or registration in MKT 3401
  • MKT 3501: Marketing Analytics I | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: MKT 3401
  • MKT 4440: Digital Marketing | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: MKT 3401

Information Technology Management

Learn technical competencies including principles, database querying, business programming, and cloud computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS).*


  • ISDS 3001: Introduction to Business Information Systems | 3 credit hours
  • ISDS 3002: Introduction to Programming in Business | 3 credit hours
  • ISDS 3003: Introduction to Business Data Querying | 3 credit hours
  • ISDS 3130: Cloud Computing for Business I | 3 credit hours
  • ISDS 4130: Cloud Computing for Business II | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: “C” or better in ISDS 3130

Leadership Development

Develop a knowledge base that effectively utilizes human capital to help organizations meet the challenge of change. Specific courses are available online. Talk to your academic advisor about options.


  • LHRD 2723: Introduction to Leadership Development | 3 credit hours
  • LHRD 3723: Leadership Concepts and Principles | 3 credit hours
  • LHRD 4723: Advanced Leadership Development | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: LHRD 2723, 3723
  • LHRD 4804: Professional Development Capstone | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisites: LHRD 2723, 3723, 4723
  • Three hours of electives from a list of courses approved by the departmental faculty in the School of Leadership & Human Resource Development


Gain a fundamental understanding of how social structures and processes shape human behavior.


  • SOCL 2001: Introductory Sociology | 3 credit hours
  • SOCL 3501: Sociology of Deviance | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SOCL 2001 or equivalent
  • SOCL 4461: Criminology | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SOCL 2001 or equivalent
  • SOCL 3601: Social Interaction | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SOCL 2001 or PSYC 2000 or equivalent
  • SOCL 3371: Sociology of the Criminal Justice System | 3 credit hours
    Prerequisite: SOCL 2001 or equivalent

*Please note that the Information Technology Management minor course requirements listed above have been approved for inclusion in the 2021-22 LSU General Catalog. Students following the Information Technology Management minor curricular requirements included in the 2020-21 LSU General Catalog may request substitutions from their academic counselor so that the courses listed above will apply toward the Information Technology Management minor for their respective catalog year.